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Measuring is knowing. Our (non-contact) sensors give you the process information you need, with the highest possible accuracy. Whether for temperature, speed, length, diameter, shock, moisture, or the presence of the object.


Temperature measurement range: -20 °C to +1000 °C
The TiX580 is a solid and excellently designed 640 x 480 pixel thermal imaging camera Users can now perform thermal imaging inspections with greater reliability and faster results than ever before; with the power and ease of use you have come to expect from Fluke.

Key features

NETD 50 mK
640 x 480 resolution (307,200 pixels)
Temperature range -20°C to 1000°C

Extremely detailed images. >180° rotating lens.
MultiSharpT and FocusLaserSharpr Auto Focus

Supplier: Fluke

Ti480 Pro

Temperature measurement range: -10 °C to +1000 °C
With the Ti480 PRO, worries about focus are a thing of the past. MultiSharpT Focus captures images that are in focus through the entire focus range, even if you start with a completely blurred target object. The camera takes multiple images and combines them to give you sharp images, both of objects near and far. See more detail with SuperResolution for 4 times more pixel data. Using the software and SuperResolution, you can see images up to 1280 x 960 resolution.

Key features

NETD 50 mK
640 x 480 resolution (307,200 pixels)
Temperature range -20°C to 1000°C

Supplier: Fluke